Thursday, December 3, 2009

I'm John Smith, callin on behaaalf of American Diabedic care!!!!!

It felt so great when others shower upon a mantle of snow on my skills of convincing people.. and this added impetus kept me moving on and when it comes to fortifying the art of convincing, i didn't have an second thought , than haphazardly giving a try to the so called " CALL CENTER JOB". There are times where one would be so fascinated about the call center job, at least me after reading CHETHAN BHAGAT's " ONE NIGHT AT THE CALL CENTER".. So there it started

The "innerview" ooops the interview [still obsessed with the American accent]. The interview evoked so much of confidence in me, which led to the insinuation of the real "ME". An Drastic change , a guy deprived of the effective confidence , break the ice , stumble onto something and amazingly adding another feather to the cap in the art of "FLIRTING"

I would say the best part of the call center job was the "TRAINING ON THE ACCENT","American Accent",which imbibes just like that.The term "American" itself creates an vibe , and also makes me flaunt around in the American accent as though its If you regret over your own "KUPPUSAMI, KHANDHASAMI" name.... please do join an call center .. You have this wonderful opportunity of naming yourself.I must definitely mention about the accent trainers, My GOD, they are amazing. No wonder ,they are accent trainers...and trust me "ITS NO PIECE OF CAKE". Training was given on both the INBOUND and OUTBOUND calls... And YES , every CSO would love to work on INBOUND CALLS... but as usual , nothing goes our way.


I was put in the "HEALTH CARE PROCESS", "DIABEEDUS" process as they say.The calling experience was really a good one, I would rather put it as an "MIXED BAG".. where you get to talk to different types of customers.. ranging from funny customers to angry customers to talkative customers to dumb customers and so and on and on. . Its really a big challenge to convince people and by doing so , you must also get used to the magnanimous showering of the F's and B's by the customers.

Though many customers tend to question the integrity of the CSO by asking If we are from INDIA...Giving a reply to that question is the most funniest part. And also the biggest compliment that i ever got was when i pitched for a customer , his wife attended the call.... and when she tried reaching her husband, she said" HONEY , There is someone on the line....I think someones calling you from NEW JERSY" Wow she made ma day.. I was so elated that at last....I sounded American. Was really longing for this compliment

Working at the CALL CENTER was an awesome experience, that is why I call it as an MIXED BAG. Training period was just an extension of the college life and once the honeymoon period was over, it was quite annoying to take calls. But but but, rather than being idle at home, its definitely a wise option to Experience the fun at the CALL CENTER.CHEERS